Sunday, May 10, 2009


This is truly a lost gem of the 90's. I had heard good things here and there, but never took the time to sit down and watch it straight through until I found the special edition DVD for $4 at ROSS of all places, while my wife shopped for an outfit. Gattaca is basically a futuristic noir piece about a world in which your future is decided by your genetic makeup from birth. They know what health problems you will have etc. all the way down to your life expectancy. Because of this, many of who are called God-children (those born naturally) are marginalized from birth because no one will hire them based on their genetic profile. Most parents choose to have their children made in a test tube using a blend of the finest genetics, to ensure for them a good life. Vincent was not one of those children. He was born naturally with a 99% chance of heart problems, which means that his dream of becoming an astronaut will never long as he is himself. Vincent goes on a inspired journey to prove everyone wrong and assumes the identity of a recently crippled member of high society. He works 10 times harder than anyone else in the space program and has to go through elaborately detailed processes each day in order to hide any trace of his true self. All this work becomes threatened when a higher up in the space program is murdered. How far will Vincent go to achieve his dreams?

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