Let me start by saying I am not liberal or conservative, and I am just as skeptical as anyone of Michael Moore and his tactics. I'm sure that just like any good documentarian he was able to spin some of the stories that were told in this film to fit his agenda. But I will also say that there are too many facts presented here to ignore, and by the end of his film I felt quite ashamed to be an American. I am the first to admit that in my country, money is definitely King, and power is used to fatten pockets rather than meet the needs of the community. Our healthcare system is so morally bankrupt and it will stay that way as long as conservatives, the working class and the uneducated continue to be manipulated by fear-mongering (Socialism is evil!!!), political heavyweights, who are members of congress one day and paid employees of Healthcare companies the next.
As for the film Moore does a great job making such a despairing subject as watch-able and, dare I say, fun to watch as possible. Taking a bunch of 9/11 rescue workers who had, in America, either been refused health care, or were practically in the poor house because of its costs, to Guantanamo Bay was a stunt that really drove home his point. The soundtrack was also very effective and fitting, hilarious one moment, tear-jerking the next.
One thing that hit me hard was the fact that in Great Britain, where they have free universal healthcare, there are incentives in place where doctors are monetarily rewarded for how well they do their job (all the way down to how many patients they get to stop smoking). In America it is just the opposite, our physicians are rewarded by Healthcare providers for how much money they save them AKA refusing treatment, which often ends in death/murder. Listen everybody, why can we provide socialist services in America like free fire fighting, police, libraries, schools, postal, but not free healthcare? Don't be so close minded that you miss out on this film. Here's the trailer:
Great site - an excellent read.