Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Quiet Earth

Recently I had a movie night with some friends, which always turns out to be ridiculously good and bad in a good way. After much deliberation on the theme of the evening we went with one of my favorite genres in film (or books for that matter) post- apocalyptic or apocalyptic in general. I spend a great deal of time putting together a list of little known or seen mad-max clones and went to the local indie video store only to find out that they didn't have any of them. So in order to save the night I had to forgo the B-movie craziness and pick up a few more serious apocalyptic films...this did not turn out well. Among them was, what many consider on the net, a classic of post-apocalyptic media: 'The Quiet Earth'. While this film had great potential, with the last man on earth scenario, numerous New Zealand film awards, and 1985 special effects, my friend put it best when he said "it was just too ok."
If a post-apocalyptic film is going to take itself seriously it NEEDS to be amazingly executed or else it just becomes mediocre and incredibly boring. While I respect what the film was trying to do, and it does make you think about how long it would take you to crack when your left alone in a world that you helped destroy, its just lacked believability. Everything about it is barely passable from the acting to the story-line to the special effects and so on, and in this genre barely passable comes across as worse than laughably bad. Now there is enough potential there that if a talented director wanted to attempt a remake I would be the first one in line, but as-is like 'Waterworld' your just left with would could have been.

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