Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Let the Right One In

I going to start by saying I have not looked forward to a film this much in a long time. "Let the Right One In" is getting rave reviews on the festival circuit, despite the fact that its a vampire film. Yep...a vampire film, a very different take on the vampire mythos apparently as it is a coming of age story between a bullied 12 year old and his new friend, a female vampire named Eli, who is also 12 years old. It is supposed to be a slow burner that is as moving as it is unsettling. It is a Swedish film, and yes eventually it will probably be horribly remade in English, but do yourself a favor, use that elementary school education to read some subtitles and see the original. Hopefully it will get a wider release stateside soon. See for yourself (you should probably be 13 and up for this):

1 comment:

  1. I heard an interview with the director, and ever since then I've been curious about this film. I'm intrigued by the Guillermo del Toro quote in the trailer, but then he did make Blade in addition to Pan's Labyrinth , so I'll wait for a few more reviews.

    Thanks for sharing the trailer, though.
