Monday, February 16, 2009


Push is a film about people with special powers, specifically psychic-powers. Some have the ability to move physical objects, others to implant memories, others can see the immediate future based on other people decisions. These people are being watched and gathered up by the government so they can do experiments to enhance these abilities. Treated like lab rats many die in the process, but there are some who will come out of hiding and find the strength to resist. Sound interesting? Well it should be, but its not.
Set in Hong Kong, which in itself provides a colorful and interesting backdrop, Push plays out a little too much like an episode of Heroes and is far to familiar to spark any excitement. The special effect are just ok, and the acting is at times sub-par, even from a post-puberty Dakota Fanning (its just awkward now to watch her act drunk). Everything centers around when the first psychic to survive the governments drug testing, escapes with a vile of the special enhancement drug. A cat and mouse game ensues between the government's own psychics, an interesting asian gang of psychics, and our heroes who are looking all looking to find the drug and use it to get a leg up. As with many of these types of films, the wasted potential outweighs any bright spots in the story. Rent it if you just looking to kill a few hours with some semi-mindless fun.

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